PRESSURE Sound Designer Pre-Production Journal


This session I will be finding and creating sound effects to add tension to our film. I will use these four elements to make our film feel more real and to add tension to make the audience feel more for the main conflict.

  • 35. Realistic Sound (Diegetic) (Character)
    • Klute(1971)
      • The phone rings and explosive sound
      • Shows realistic sound
      • Adds tension to the scene
    • I will have a clock ticking in our film to add tension to the film
  • 36. Realistic Sound (Diegetic) (Emotional Response)
    • ET(1982)
      • The keys on the waist of the humans shows that they are the antagonist.
    • I will have offscreen dialogue in the film of the main character being rushed adding more stress.
  • 36. Expressive Sound (Diegetic) (Outer World)
    • Barton Fink(1991)
      • Barton rings the bell at the front desk and it continues to ring adding to the weirdness of the hotel.
    • I will have classroom noise in the background to add more of a realism to our film
  • 38. Surreal Sound (Meta-Diegetic) (Inner Word)
    • Barton Fink(1991)
      • There is dramatic music in the background adding tension to the scene.
    • I will have some dramatic music in the background of our film too to add tension to our film.

Test Recordings

This is a rest recording of one of the shots that adds tension to the scene because it reveals the main conflict of our film.

This is another shot that adds more conflict and adds to the main conflict.

Equipment Checklist

  • Boom Mic
  • Audio Deck
  • USB Cable
  • USB Port

Recording Workflow

  • Get audio deck and cable
  • Get boom mic
  • Connect cable to audio deck and boom mic
  • Record audio for film and stand where director wants me too
  • Disconnect boom mic and cable from audio deck
  • Get USB cable for audio deck
  • Plug cable into USB port
  • Upload sound from audio deck onto mac
  • Upload files to team folder

Location Maps

Front of the classroom by the white board.

Foley Sounds

    • Used throughout the entire film to add a sense of time
    • Used throughout whole time to add a sense of realism
    • Used for slower cutaways in film
    • Used for faster cutaways in film

Discussions With Director

We talked about which sound effects will be needed for the film to add tension and we decided the clock would add a sense of time and the classroom noise would make it feel more like a real classroom. We also decided the whooshes would add more of a comedy element to the film. It was also discussed of having me as an actor for the film.

Influences from Films

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Jimmy Boyle

We took inspiration from this film because we liked the zip and zoom sound effects it added with the quick cut away camera shots and so we thought it would be a good addition to the film.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

Some things I learned during pre production was communicating better with teammates on things I need to get done for our film and what is needed. I also learned a lot from studying influences from different films so I learned which sound effects would make our film better.

3/27-3/31 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number 5
Week Number 2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week? Work on pre production tasks in Trello Board.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/27Work on storyboard with Director and Screenwriter55 
3/28 Go over storyboard and take notes of where sounds happen55 
 3/29 Burndown Chart and Overall goal  36 
 3/30 Create shot list55  
 3/31 Work on Blog Posts 55 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here:  No

3/20-3/24 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE

Session Number  5
Week Number 1
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 5
What was your overall goal for this week? To collaborate with team to come up with story.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/20like/dislike short film analyzing55 min 
3/21 Trello/Storyboarding45 min 
 3/22 Brainstorming Shot Concepts 50 min 
 3/23Work on Mood Board 50 min 
 3/24Speak with Mr Leduc and work on project tracking sheet. 50 min 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: 

A Person Is Fighting For His Life In Zombie Apocalypse Pitch


  • A man is trapped inside a building with a lot of zombies and must fight his way out to survive.


  • The man is a student in school and he has perfect attendance and perfect grades. In his spare time he likes to play video games that involve killing zombies.


  • The student wants to survive being trapped in a building with zombies.


  • Horror/Fantasy
  • The Evil Dead
  • Army of Darkness
  • The Gremlins


  • A man goes inside a library for a school project and while he is there the zombie apocalypse starts. He now must fight his way out to survive. He remembers some of the zombie video games he played and uses those techniques. He begins to find weapons and starts to fight his way out. He finally reaches the exit and opens the doors and we learn it was a video game the whole time as we see the same man put his controller down after all this.


  • The man lives in a normal world with schools and shops. He doesn’t have a lot of friends other than his online ones when he plays video games. He lives with his mom and dad and has no siblings. He likes to wear whatever is comfortable so he can game in comfort.


  • Sam Raimi is the director of The Evil Dead which is where my inspiration came from as it has a normal man fighting zombies. I also took inspiration from movies like Fight Club and Shutter Island because of the ending plot twists they have.